The Secret to Enduring When You Want to Give Up

I was struggling on a hot run a couple weeks ago. Every step was hard. I was walking more of the hills than I usually do, and I just wanted it to be over.

I knew I needed to get out of my funk to get through the rest of the run and finish it with some enjoyment.

I reached for my water bottle (which was half empty) and that’s when it hit me.

Is it half empty or half full?

We’ve heard this metaphor before – the glass half empty or half full question is one that asks us about our optimistic or pessimistic perspective on a situation – on life.

Today, I want to propose a slightly different way to look at the glass half empty or half full question because here’s what I realized on that hard, hot run.

hiking on the trail

The Secret to Endurance

When we’re in a tough situation where we can react with an optimistic outlook or a negative one, and it’s a subtle shift in perspective that changes everything.

What if you focus your mind on the bottle that is full or “half full” first?  I had two water bottles in my hydration pack and both were full to begin. Here’s what happened for me – by the time I get to the other bottle, I realized it wasn’t half empty, but it was half full.

This subtle shift in my perception, reminded me that having an optimistic attitude first is a key step because it quite possibly, sets you up to see the next situation with similar perspective.

You may wondering, “So, what about the times when reality isn’t positive and it’s hard to put on rose-colored glasses and pretend things are good when they’re not.”

My secret? Gratitude.

Becoming aware of what is good, noticing something you’re grateful for, and seeing anything you can appreciate in someone, something, or some experience is the way to move from half-empty to full (and not just half-full, but all the way full).

Ask to see things differently when you’re in a tough moment and struggle to see the good.  When I got to this place during my run, I started thinking of how thankful I was to be able to run (because imagine how awful it would be if I couldn’t). I noticed the beautiful trees around me, the shade and breeze keeping me just a little bit cooler, and the sounds of nature serenading my steps.

Try this

Get a blank piece of paper and draw a horizontal line in the middle. Below the line, write down all the things you’re frustrated about, all the things going wrong, and all of what you don’t have.  Now counter it on the top with all the gratitude you can gather up from your heart.  Write down anything and everything you’re grateful for right now, even if you start small and simple.

The truth is, it’s really not just about how things appear on the outside – it’s how you choose to perceive it, and how you react to it. It’s how you choose to show up and run with it.

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